Academic presentations
In the past eight years, I've presented my work at academic conferences, societies, and universities across the world. This has given me a wonderful opportunity to visit a lot of beautiful places.
Invited lectures, presentations, and panels
Educating youth for peace in the context of divisions, conflict, and violence. Peacebuilding? An Interdisciplinary Dialogue event organised by the PASCAL International Observatory, November.
Peace, Security, and Education in Russia: What do youth learn and how do teachers feel about it? CR&DALL Seminar Series 2024-25, October.
What does and international studies with and for young people look like? Roundtable organised by Helen Berents at British International Studies Association conference, Birmingham, June.
Engaging youth in local peacebuilding activities. Guest lecture at University of Duhok, Iraq, May.
Developing a quality, equitable, and inclusive education. Guest lecture at University of Duhok, Iraq, May.
The importance of learning cities and whole-community approach to supporting chronically ill people and their families. Panel organised by Henrique Lopes (Scientific coordinator of the Forum) at 7th World Forum for Lifelong Learning, Egypt, March.
Education strategies and capacities of cities in Bangladesh, The Philippines, and Rwanda to achieve SDG4, with Mike Osborne. Panel organised by UNESCO-IIEP at Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
UN agencies and goals. Guest lecture for “International actors and global education policies.” MSc course taught by Dr Matthew Thomas. University of Glasgow, October.
Cities, education, and Agenda 2030, with M. Osborne, D. Uribe, V. Manirakiza, M. D. Reyes, & S. Roy. Panel organised by UNESCO-IIEP at PASCAL Conference 2022, Finland, October.
Education and Indigenous peoples. Guest lecture for “International and comparative education.” MEd/MSc course taught by Prof. Michele Schweisfurth. University of Glasgow, March. [online]
Indigenous education and development in Taiwan: challenges for transition from colonialism and authoritarianism to a just society. Comparative and International Education Society, Indigenous Knowledge and the Academy SIG, December. [online]
Honouring local Indigenous peoples' knowledges and culture and its implication for teaching for global sustainability and peacebuilding. Guest lecture for “7409EDN: First Australians and Diverse Cultural Identities and Communities.” Postgraduate course taught by Dr. Eun-Ji Amy Kim. Griffith University, Australia, October. [online]
UNESCO’s work on building sustainable peace in Asia-Pacific. Guest lecture for “CCGL9022 Globalisation in question: human and economic consequences.” Common core course taught by Dr. Nutsa Kobakhidze. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April. [online]
Peace, conflict, and education: UNESCO’s work from 1945 to the 2030 Agenda. Guest talk for “Education policies for global development.” Erasmus Mundus international master programme course taught by Dr. Oscar Valiente. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, February.
Engaging with Indigenous and ethnic/religious minority groups. Guest lecture for “Themes and approaches in the field of comparative education” MEd course taught by Dr. Magda Nutsa Kobakhidze. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September.
Educational approaches to preventing violent extremism. Panel organised by E. Christodoulou at Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
Preventing and countering violent extremism in New Zealand and Abroad: Approaches and critiques. Panel organised by D. Couch at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, November.
Indigenous peoples in Taiwan. Guest lecture for “China’s ethnic groups: Assimilation or pluralism?” Common Core course taught by Prof. Gerard A. Postiglione. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October.
Doing research with marginalised populations. Guest lecture for “Research methodology” MEd course taught by Dr. Magda Nutsa Kobakhidze. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September.
Conference presentations
What do young people learn about peace in schools? Evidence from Belarus and Russia. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, March.
Visions of Peace: How youth in Scotland define peace and justice and their role in sustaining peace and achieving justice, with S. Anderson. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, February.
Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems, with M. Osborne & R. Bhandari. PASCAL Conference 2022, Finland, October.
Community-driven peacebuilding through education: Insights from a critical-digital arts-informed project, with E-J. A. Kim. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
Neighbourhood inequalities and perceptions of quality education: comparative insights from 14 cities in Africa and Asia, with M. Schweisfurth. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
Exploring educational opportunities across neighbourhoods in urban centres: insights from Bangladesh, India, and Tanzania, with M. Schweisfurth. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April. [online]
Education policies and Indigenous languages shift in the Russian Federation: the case of Karelian and Mari languages, with D. Khanolainen & E. Semenova. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April. [online]
Internationalisation of higher education in an East Asian context: A Hong Kong experience, with S. Paterson, L. Jackson, L. Jordan, C. Pemberton, & G. Arat. American Educational Research Association. Canada, April.
Indigenous education in Russia: Current educational policies vs. public views, with D. Khanolainen & E. Semenova. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
Experiences of international research students in a high-ranking research-intensive Asian university, with L. Jackson & G. Arat. Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, April.
What’s haunting Taiwan’s efforts to re-shape education for Indigenous peoples? Discussion of historical legacies and their impact on the country’s Indigenous policy and law. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Aotearoa New Zealand, December.
Reframing education to prevent violent extremism. Oceania Comparative and International Education Society. Aotearoa New Zealand, November.
Indigenous identities and education in Taiwan in the age of transitional and historical justice. Comparative Education Society of Europe, Cyprus, May.
“Welfare colonialism”: Indigenous critique of education in Taiwan. Comparative Education Society of Asia, Cambodia, May.
Indigenous perspectives on education in Taiwan. 5th Cross-strait, Hong Kong and Macau Comparative Education Forum, Taiwan, April.
Designing alternative educational spaces to revive Indigenous communities in Taiwan. Comparative and International Education Society. Mexico, March.
Taiwan’s Indigenous perspectives on multicultural education reforms. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Australia, December.
Women empowerment in different socio-cultural settings: Intersectionality of multilevel factors, with G. Arat. Hong Kong Association of University Women. Hong Kong, December.
Building education for sustainable development in Indigenous communities in Taiwan. Oceania Comparative and International Education Society. New Caledonia, November.
Assimilating, integrating, or separating: What do Indigenous people in Taiwan want and need for their children? Comparative and International Education Society, United States of America, March.
Defining a ‘culturally sensitive’ education for Indigenous students. Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, Fiji, December.
Integration of Indigenous children into the mainstream education system: Arguments for and against. National Institute of Education, Singapore, October.
Culture as a foundation of sustainable development. XVI World Congress of Comparative Education Societies, China, August.
Indigenous education: Which way to go? The University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, July.
A critical, comparative analysis of Indigenous education theories and their potential to develop just learning communities. Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, April.
Moving from moral to political: Three principles derived from John Rawls’s ideas of justice that have a potential to transform global citizenship, with Liz Jackson. Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Oxford, April.
What can non-Indigenous teachers do to create a culturally responsive classroom for Indigenous children? 7th Annual COE Graduate Student Conference, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States of America, March.
Postcolonial and Indigenous perspectives as answers to schooling of Indigenous children in Taiwan. Comparative Education Society of Asia, Philippines, January.