Youth and Peace
Primary focus:
Building youth capacities to engage positively and respectfully with the world and contribute to conflict transformation and building of peaceful societies
Changing attitudes of key peace partners (e.g., IOs, mediators, government officials) and building their capacities to engage with youth
Key projects:
Developing youth-led indicators for the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, Lead, Carnegie Trust Research Incentive grant, 2024-2025 (with Dr Helen Berents, Lead, Griffith University, Australia)
Intergenerational engagement for the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, Co-lead, FBA- the Swedish agency for peace, security and development, 2024-2025 (with Dr Helen Berents, Lead, Griffith University, Australia)
Meaningful youth engagement for peace and security: Building capacities of international partners for youth inclusive peace processes, Co-Iead, Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account, 2021-2023 (with Dr Asli Ozcelik Olcay, Lead, University of Glasgow)
Youth-led peace: Inclusion of youth in peace processes, Co-Iead, Economic and Social Research Council Impact Acceleration Account, 2020-2021 (with Dr Asli Ozcelik Olcay, Lead, University of Glasgow)
#YouthWagingPeace - Youth engagement in prevention of violent extremism through education, Co-lead, UNESCO MGIEP and Australian Government, 2016-2018 (more information can be found on the UNESCO website)

Peacebuilding and Education
Primary focus:
Critical peace education in schools: analysis of curricula and practices in non-democratic states
Understandings and visions of peace and justice by students and community members
Community-level work towards peace through arts, sports, and other media
Key projects:
- Peace and citizenship education in Belarus and Russia, Lead, BAICE Seedcorn Fund, University of Glasgow, 2023-2024
- 'Visions of Peace': How youth in Scotland define peace and what they see as their role in sustaining peace locally, Lead, University of Glasgow, 2022-2023
- Local, place-based, and community-driven approaches to peacebuilding, Lead, British Academy/Leverhulme grant, University of Glasgow, 2020-2021
- The UNESCO Together for Peace T4P Initiative: A shared commitment to building a peaceful and sustainable future in Asia-Pacific, Lead consultant, UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific, 2019 (this research allowed to draft a plan for future UNESCO peacebuilding activities in the region: here you can see the initiatives that have emerged from this work)

Indigenous justice and education
Primary focus:
Injustices and inequalities in education Indigenous peoples face
Transforming Indigenous education to achieve transitional and historical justice
Learning from and with Indigenous peoples, including ethical methodologies
Key projects:
- Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing for a sustainable living, Co-lead, UNESCO Futures of Education, 2020
- Indigenous education in the period of transitional and historical justice in Taiwan, PhD research, University of Hong Kong, 2015-2019
Teachers and Support for Minority Students
Primary focus:
Supporting teachers' work to teach about peace and justice and to establish safe, brave, and inclusive classroom climates
Key projects:
- Exploring teachers' beliefs about multiculturalism and peer conflicts to create a more harmonious school environment, Co-lead, Collaboration between the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Glasgow, 2022-2024
- Preparing teachers for inclusive education, Co-lead, Innovative Research in Education, Kazan Federal University Fund, 2020
- Teacher perceptions of Indigenous learners in Taiwan, Lead, Universitas21, 2018-2019
Educational Inequalities
Primary focus:
Understanding how various vulnerable and marginalised groups are affected as regards their access to quality, equitable, and inclusive education and learning
Supporting partnerships and whole-community approaches to address inequalities and redress injustices
Key projects:
- Local challenges, global imperatives: cities at the forefront to achieve Education 2030, Co-lead, SHLC Capacity Development Acceleration Fund, University of Glasgow, 2021-2023 (partnership with UNESCO IIEP)
- Developing inclusive lifelong learning policies and practices in the Global South, Lead, Global Challenges Research Fund grant, University of Glasgow, 2020-2021
- Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems, Co-lead, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2021
- National and subnational approaches to regulating private technical and vocational education and training: comparative insights from Asia and Africa, Lead, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, 2020-2021