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Impact Activities

Building on my professional career, I engage with a wide range of actors and stakeholders for mutual learning and support. Throughout the years, I've engaged with beneficiaries ranging from government officials to international organisations, civil society, youth organisations, and schools. This page shows examples of such work.

Organisation of events


Stepping up to the SDGs - Building partnerships between academia and NGOs to further the Sustainable Development Goals

1-day event for academics, social enterprises, and INGOs at the University of Glasgow

Co-led with Scotland's International Development Alliance



Global Challenges, Local Imperatives: Cities at the Forefront to Achieve Education 2030

Technical webinar with Manila city authorities.

Co-led with UNESCO IIEP, Mario De Los Reyes (University of the Philippines)



Youth-inclusive Peace Mediation

1-day workshop for key peacebuilding partners at the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Folke Bernadette Academy, EEAS, Search for Common Ground, Berghof Foundation, swisspeace).

Funded via ESRC Impact Acceleration Account. Co-led with Asli Ozcelik Olcay



‘Visions of Peace’: Arts-based Workshop for Youth and Community Members

4 workshops, peace wall, and peace data walk with youth ages 12-18 in Glasgow ESRC Festival of Social Sciences. Co-led with Sarah Anderson (Glasgow)



Global Challenges, Local Imperatives: Cities at the Forefront to Achieve Education 2030

Technical webinar with Kigali city authorities

Co-led with UNESCO IIEP, Vincent Manirakiza (University of Rwanda)



‘Visions of Peace’: Arts-based Workshop for Youth and Community Members

2 workshops, peace wall, and peace data walk with youth ages 12-18 in Glasgow. School of Education – A Celebration of Learning for Life @ ARCadia. Co-led with Sarah Anderson (Glasgow)



Developing Inclusive Lifelong Learning Policies and Practices in the Global South

3-day virtual symposium at University of Glasgow for policymakers, educators, NGOs working on lifelong learning in Africa. Funded via GCRF Small Grants. Co-led with Queralt Capsada-Munsech (Glasgow) in partnership with Mount Kenya University, University of Rwanda, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Benin



Youth-led Peace: Inclusion of Youth in Peace Processes

2-day virtual symposium at University of Glasgow for UNDP, UNESCO, youth and other organisations in partnership with OSGEY and Beyond Borders Scotland. Funded via ESRC Impact Acceleration Account. Co-led with Asli Ozcelik Olcay, Graeme Young (Glasgow)



Neighbourhood Matters - An Interactive Virtual Exhibition, University of Glasgow

ESRC Festival of Social Sciences. Co-led with Sohail Ahmad (Glasgow)

Talks and workshops

- Role of youth, parents, teachers, community leaders, and policymakers in peacebuilding. UNESCO Side Event at ECOSOC Youth Forum "Impetus and Skills for Peace and Justice." April 2024 [online].










Using arts-based methods to engage with youth and other vulnerable populations [with Sarah Anderson]. Open Lectures in Educational Research Methods, Glasgow, UK, March 2024.











- Defining ethnic minorities and their identity in Democratic Taiwan. Keynote address at Roundtable on Ethnic Minority Identity in an Ideal Democratic Country: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Myanmar, organised by Knowledge Hub Myanmar and Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Indonesia, November 2023 [online].


- “Belonging” and UNESCO MGIEP’s #YouthWagingPeace – Youth-led guide on prevention of violent extremism through education [with W.Y. Alice Chan]. World Anti-Bullying Forum, Ireland, June 2019.


- It’s not enough to counter violent extremism, we need to prevent it. DefenceIQ’s 17th Annual Countering Violent Extremism Global Event, London, May 2018.


- Workshop for human rights teachers, scholars, and activists: UNESCO MGIEP Youth-led Guide on Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education [with Carolyn Nash]. 8th International Conference on Human Rights Education, Canada, December 2017.


- Training for teachers and school administrators: Exploring Push and Pull factors of Violent Extremism. UNESCO MGIEP Capacity Building Workshop for Teachers on Preventing Violence Extremism, India, August 2017.


- Training for teachers and school administrators: Key Interventions in Prevention of Violent Extremism. UNESCO MGIEP Capacity Building Workshop for Teachers on Preventing Violence Extremism, India, August 2017. 

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Data Visualisation

2022, 2D Animation “Educational inequalities across neighbourhoods”

for the GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods. Co-led with Michele Schweisfurth (Glasgow) and Chocolate Films.




2022, Interview for Voice of Islam’s breakfast show 30-03-2022: “Young people play an important role in maintaining peace.”


2022, Discussing healthy learning cities: an interview with Prof Mike Osborne and Dr Yulia Nesterova, University of Glasgow. 

Media articles and blog posts (check reports and policy briefs in the Publications section)



Nesterova, Y. and Ozcelik, A. (2021) Youth has a key role in peace processes. Impakter, 27 Jul.


Nesterova, Y. (2018) Women and violent extremism. Impakter, 28 May.


Nesterova, Y. and Macaluso, A. (2017) Building safe resilient urban spaces : a discussion with Hague Institute researcher Agnese Macaluso. Impakter, 16 May.


Educational inequalities: 


Nesterova, Y. (2020) Is your neighbourhood your destiny? How the neighbourhood you live in determines your educational opportunities. UKFIET The UK Education and Development Forum.


Nesterova, Y. (2020) Schools out forever? : supporting resilient learning in the face of COVID-19. Impakter, 9 Apr.


Nesterova, Y. and Jackson, L. (2018) Gender inequality in universities. Impakter, 2 Nov.


Minority rights:


Nesterova, Y. (2024) Decolonisation of multicultural Taiwan. Taiwan Insight.


Nesterova, Y. (2017) Indigenous peoples : key trends that affect their development. Impakter, 28 Sep.


Nesterova, Y. (2017) Indigenous peoples and their rights : how they started, why they matter. Impakter, 28 Aug.




Nesterova, Y. Knowledge Exchange During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Studies from Low- and Middle-income Countries. University of Glasgow Low and Middle Income Countries Research Network (LMIC), Glasgow.


Nesterova, Y. (2021) Engaging community in research, knowledge co-creation, and knowledge dissemination. GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods Blog.


Bhandari, R. and Nesterova, Y. (2020) Support thy neighbour : why a strong local response will help beat COVID-19. GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods Blog.

Yulia Nesterova

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